Amazing Robots

As we all know that science is unpredictable. So here are the top 5 inventions till now that are enough to blow your mind.


Anki Cozmo robot was the hottest selling toy of 2016 and with good reason it is more than a toy and more than a robot. And one great thing about Cozmo that he gets to be there when you wake up. He looks much like a baby bird hatching from his egg. At first, he does not look like much but after its turn on he is the most adorable and advanced toy in the world.  His eyes are the key feature that resembles a Disney Pixar movie.  Cozmo requires love and affection plus the more time you spend with Cozmo the more he can do. After the first time when he wakes up, you can tell him your name and he reads your face and memorizes you. Pass that he can learn tricks all around he's very advanced for a toy.

                                 Anki's Cozmo robot is the real-life WALL-E we've been waiting for ...


Boston Dynamics is the company responsible for the creation of this robot dog. He was much created as a rescue dog for the crisis time. Spot can go where a normal dog can't go. It weighs 160 pounds and is meant to look and walk like a dog. A surprising fact that the spot cannot be knocked over in any situation as there is an optical sensor that helps him to detect obstacles.

                            Boston Dynamics Begins Selling 'Spot' Robot - ExtremeTech


This fascinating robot was made by people just like us and with a haptic sensor its super smart. He is next generation robot made to be part of the family and is meant to improve the lifestyle around the house. He can play with the kids much like a nanny ha tunes into smart appliances allowing him to do household chores and secure your home. He offers games for the whole family and a projector for movies. He does not recognise but each member of your family.

                 Aido - Next Gen Home Robot » Gadget Flow


It is created by the company robokind to help children with autism. Robot milo used to teach social skills to children. Milo is a 2 feet robot that speaks in children's voices researches shows children with autism engage more with milo than when working only with a therapist. One of the best things is he never gets tired and frustrated and gives autistic children the one thing that they need most is consistency. He helps the children recognize emotion, socialize and motivate themselves. He uses an LCD screen to speak.

                                    FSSD school board meets Milo, humanoid robot for autistic ...

5.Luke arm

From one of the most innovative companies in the world, deka a prosthetic arm unlike other it connects existing nerves in the arm to muscles in the chest. For the use your have to convince your body that you have a arm. It can be modified to fit user with varying degrees of amputation. Its sophisticated sensors monitoring how much force is needed.

                      DARPA-funded prosthetic arm set to go on sale later this year ...                             


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